University of Heidelberg
Home > HBIGS PhD Student Speakers

HBIGS PhD student speakers

Hi everyone,

First of all we’d like to introduce ourselves, the newly elected HBIGS PhD Student Speakers for the great years ahead, 2011-2013:

Julian Kellner (contact), Julianne McCall (contact), and Patric Pelzer (contact)

We are your no.1 contact for all issues, concerns, critics, suggestions, proposals... (but NOT administration related issues, remember we are "only" represantatives for you)
basically all your input regarding HBIGS and your PhD grad student life. Our responsibilities include:

• Addressing issues and ideas regarding all things student life-related
• Representing opinions and trends within the student body at the monthly meetings of the Executive Board
• Organizing the Student retreat and other annual events, like the Photo Contest
• Coordinating social events, like: Guided city tours, top ropes courses, Pub Crawls, the Summerparty, the Christmasparty ...

Check out our:

• The schedule for social events
• Our mentoring program and
• follow us on facebook