Home > How to get to us
How to get to us
Your way to us
Postal Address:Heidelberg Biosciences International Graduate School (HBIGS)
Heidelberg University
Im Neuenheimer Feld 501 (HBIGS Center),
69120 Heidelberg
By plane: Frankfurt International Airport is the closest and most convenient airport for Heidelberg.
Trains leave directly from the airport. You may need to switch trains at Frankfurt main station. Click here to plan your journey by train. Take a taxi from Heidelberg main station to "Neuenheimer Feld". Distance: ca. 2 km
The Lufthansa Bus is available leaving from Terminal 1 outside hall B, on the "arrivals" level.
For applicants who come from abroad HBIGS arranges for a Limousine service from Frankfurt Airport and accomodation at the Heidelberg Youth Hostel. A driver usually picks you up at the Meeting Point ("Treffpunkt") in either Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 and brings you directly to the institute or to the youth hostel. Make sure that the HBIGS office knows your date and time of arrival and departure, your flight number and terminal at which you will arrive or from where you depart. TLS - Heidelberg; Tel 49 (0) 6221 770077 (06221 is the Heidelberg area code when calling from Germany).

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Additional links:
* Public Transport / Map of HD (.pdf)
* German Railway
* Flight schedule Frankfurt Airport